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Flight regiment 3 - Website of the Finnish virtual squadrons
Kari Vertanen's aviation art: Flight squadron 24's mascot Irish setter Peggy Brown greets pilot Joppe Karhunen returning from a flight at Römpötti airport in the summer of 1942. More of Kari's aviation art can be seen and ordered directly from the author as high-quality prints Kari Vertanen's online store.
Air Regiment 3, or LeR3 for short, is a Finnish virtual air regiment whose members enjoy the history of World War II military aviation, old airplanes and warbirds, virtual flying in the home cockpit and virtual air combat with the IL-2 Sturmovik Great Battles flight simulator.
About a hundred of our members belong to several different virtual squadrons, some of which are named after their historical examples. All our virtual squadrons and virtual pilots are presented on this site. In addition to that, the squadron pages of the "continuators of tradition" of historical squadrons have an info package about the original historical squadron. You can access each of our squadron's own pages by clicking on the squadron icons on the right side.
In the air war, we keep in touch with each other on Team Speak "radio channels" and we fight with the same tactics that Finnish war pilots used historically in the Winter and Continuation wars. These tactics are still useful in Online Air War as well. At best, almost a hundred skilled virtual pilots from different parts of the world can fight in online air battles on multiplayer servers. The Finnish Virtual Pilots can cope with the players on the other side with their close cooperation and tactical experience.
The swastika insignia of the Finnish Air Force
The ace of aces of 94 aerial victories Flight Master Ilmari Juutilainen and MT-451 "Mersu" at Taipasaari airport in the summer of 1942. Photo of the cover of Hasegawa's assembling miniature model.
Count Eric von Rosen donated to the Finnish White Army on March 6, 1918 a Thulin Typ D airplane with blue swastikas painted on the wings. The blue swastika was the count's personal lucky symbol and he painted it on the plane's wings in Umeå before crossing the Gulf of Bothnia.
The insignia of Count von Rosen, a blue cross on a white background, was decided to be the insignia of the Finnish Air Force, in which role it served until 1945. The Finnish swastika has nothing to do with the corresponding Nazi symbol. For the Germans, it was black in color and stood on its tip in airplanes, while in Finland it was blue and always standing straight and stable on one tusk.
Finnish Multiplayer servers of VirtualPilots and DWO
The IL-2 Sturmovik Great Battles multiplayer server is maintained by the Finnish Virtual Pilots Association. Since August 2016, there has been a continuous 24/7 air war maintained by two of our members LLv34_Untamo and LLv34_Temuri. The server is one of the most popular in the entire game and it is constantly full of players from all over the world from 18 to 24 in the best evening hours.
LLv34_Temuri runs also the DWO server. Missions are as like FVP but played in an organized manner in two hour missions once per week. Players have one life as a pilot in a mission, two lives as tanker and they can choose one plane and fly it until mission ends. Missions starts on Wednesday at 20:30 CET ends at 22:30 CET.
The both statistics pages can be found by clicking on the image links on the right column that says VIRTUALPILOTS or DYNAMIC WAR ORGANIZED or the pictures above. On the statistics page, you can monitor your own results and those of your squadron or other squadrons - for example, the number of downed enemy planes and destroyed targets in real time.
Kanttorin Kone - Finnish Home Cockpit Controllers
High-quality Throttle Consoles (USB game controllers) are manufactured in Finland for flight simulator enthusiasts and home cockpit builders. By clicking on the picture link, you can go to the homepage of Kanttori Kone, where there is a lot of information about Throttle Consoles. Handmade controllers have been sold since 2017 global from America to Australia.